The Ultimaker Core Lessons: STEAM Set will get you up and running with designing for 3D printing and with using your Ultimaker printer.

Whether you teach K12, Higher Ed, or work in an informal learning environment, integrating 3D Printing into your teaching practice will help you meet the following objectives:

- Encourage your students to be more responsible for their own learning outcomes, or put another way, support personal student exploration in the pursuit of a learning objective.
- Provide powerful learning aids, like Design Thinking techniques.
- Build cooperative learning opportunities.
- Build resiliency by taking advantage of rapid prototyping and testing techniques.
- Develop communication skills through continuous documentation and sharing.

STEAM Set Lessons

LESSON 1 - Coin Traps
LESSON 2 - Pill Box
LESSON 3 - Flashlight
LESSON 4 - Potato Head Challenge
LESSON 5 - Sphericons
LESSON 6 - Creative Type
LESSON 7 - Penny Whistles
LESSON 8 - Tessellations


Lesson Objectives









Produce a digital model   

Design and measure with precision

Demonstrate how to align objects

Understand and execute boolean operations

Prepare a model for 3D printing

Modify print job with Cura plugins

Employ tolerances & offsets

Experiment, generate solutions, and solve problems

Produce a 3D model from a 2D design

Understand geometry and geometry transformations

Understand and incorporate components


Download the STEAM Set Overview