Tethon 3D Printers | Bison 1000

Ceramic Resin 3D Printer

Tethon 3D Printers is a Nebraska-based 3D Printing materials manufacturer. The company is well known for manufacturing ceramic powders, iron polymers, and photo curable ceramic for 3D Printing. Based on a grant from the University of Nebraska to build the Bison 1000 which we sell here at the Ultimate 3D Printing Store. The build volume of the Bison 1000 is 110 x 60 x 130mm. Integrated with the printer is a camera for remote monitoring.

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Bison 1000 DLP Printer - TETHON 3D - Ultimate 3D Printing Store
Bison 1000 DLP Printer - TETHON 3D - Ultimate 3D Printing Store

Bison 1000 DLP Printer - TETHON 3D

$ 21,950.00

Not Just Breaking the Mould....... Doing away with it completely.

What once was thought impossible is now available at an amazing price, with Tethon3D's Innovative BISON 1000 DLP 3D Printer optomized for CERAMIC 3D Printing, the days of investment casting and expensive prototyping are gone. 3D Print custom heatsinks to molds that can with stand temperatures in excess of 1750 Degrees Celcius allowing you to pour cast metals directly into a 3D Printed mold

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Powerful Light Engine and Amazing Resolution

405 nm UV LED Pixel size (X/Y) 57 μm Resolution FHD 1920 x 1080 Optimized for high load ceramic materials Adjustable intensity for full range of materials

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Easy build plate leveling

With networking capabilities and a new touchscreen, the Ultimaker 2+ Connect is your reliable first step into our world of easy, remote 3D printing. Simply unbox and connect three components, and get started. This speedy setup even makes installing multiple 3D printers effortless.

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Not Just Breaking the Mould....... Doing away with it completely.

What once was thought impossible is now available at an amazing price, with Tethon3D's Innovative BISON 1000 DLP 3D Printer optomized for CERAMIC 3D Printing, the days of investment casting and expensive prototyping are gone. 3D Print custom heatsinks to molds that can with stand temperatures in excess of 1750 Degrees Celcius allowing you to pour cast metals directly into a 3D Printed mold

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Powerful Light Engine and Amazing Resolution

405 nm UV LED Pixel size (X/Y) 57 μm Resolution FHD 1920 x 1080 Optimized for high load ceramic materials Adjustable intensity for full range of materials

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Easy build plate leveling

With networking capabilities and a new touchscreen, the Ultimaker 2+ Connect is your reliable first step into our world of easy, remote 3D printing. Simply unbox and connect three components, and get started. This speedy setup even makes installing multiple 3D printers effortless.

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