Fusion3 3D Printers
High performance 3D Printers
Fusion3’s business & education customers have demanding applications that require the best large area 3D printer, with a combination of precision, speed, and reliability. Many 3D printers can meet one or maybe two of these requirements, but only Fusion3 delivers on all three, thanks to our unique technology and focus on throughput.
Engineering Grade Materials make the Fusion 3 F410 an absolute must have in any design department.
Fusion3 F410 3D printer printing a set of two 24 tooth gears with Carbon Fiber Nylon filament using our standard settings.
Production printing is now a reality
Precision Craftsmanship yields precision results
The Fusion3 F410 is build to the most rigid engineering standards with linear rails, high performance rails and extruders allowing for sequential printing with ease
F410's speed is unmatched
High speed printing typically comes with a massive sacrifice in print quality. Not with the F410, print fast, print big, and print with precision every time. A true engineering marvel
Learn MoreEngineering Grade Materials make the Fusion 3 F410 an absolute must have in any design department.
Fusion3 F410 3D printer printing a set of two 24 tooth gears with Carbon Fiber Nylon filament using our standard settings.
Learn MoreProduction printing is now a reality
Precision Craftsmanship yields precision results
The Fusion3 F410 is build to the most rigid engineering standards with linear rails, high performance rails and extruders allowing for sequential printing with ease
F410's speed is unmatched
High speed printing typically comes with a massive sacrifice in print quality. Not with the F410, print fast, print big, and print with precision every time. A true engineering marvel
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