Sinterit - PA11 CF (Carbon Fiber)
One of the strongest and most versatile materials available on the powder market dedicated to SLS printing technology.
Note: Sinterit products must be purchased from your regional distributor. See Ultimate 3D Printing Store's Sinterit Distribution region below. If you are not within this region, please reach out to Sinterit directly at, or use Sinterit's contact form.
PA11 CF Features:
- High tensile and flexural strength
- Thermal resistance
- High impact resistance
- High stiffness
- High elongation at break
- Chemical resistance
Flexural strength: 100 MPa
Tensile strength: 81 MPa
Tensile modulus (Young): 2950 MPa
Impact strength (Charpy unnotched): 113.65 kJ/m2
Heat deflection temperature at 1.8 MPa/0.45 MPa: 170°C / 191°C
- Production maintenance: replacement parts, fixtures, jigs
- Automotive: high-performance parts, metal replacement parts
- Extreme applications: motorsports, lightweight structures, high temperature
- Aerospace: lightweight structures, temperature
- Research: mechanical parts, composite elements
- Medicine: medical equipment, prosthetics
Ultimate 3D Printing Store's Sinterit Sales Region
The Ultimate 3D Printing Store can only sell Sinterit products within the following US States:
- Alabama
- Florida
- Georgia
- South Carolina

If you are not within this region, please reach out to Sinterit directly at, or use Sinterit's contact form.