Ultimate 3D Selfie Store -The Process
Ultimate 3D Selfie Store by Ultimate 3D Printing Store uses the perfect combination of the latest 3D scanning techniques with the revolutionary technology of 3D printing, 3D Selfie allows people the ability to capture memories, moments and loved ones like never before; preserving them in a three dimensional, highly detailed file and figurine forever.
1. Booking
Even though each scan only takes 60 seconds, please arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment so we have plenty of time to get you prepared. You don’t need to decide on the size of your model until you arrive. We have a variety of full size samples to help you make the best decision.
Scanning must be done at our Odessa, FL studio located at 11108 Challenger Ave Unit 1 Odessa, FL 33556
2. 3D Scanning
Our custom-built photogrammetry 3D scanner makes it possible to capture a full color 3D scan.
Depending on the occasion, we always tailor our 3D photo sessions to you and your needs. We have several session types to choose from - standard individual session, couple, family, cosplay and wedding session.
Please note: Preparations for your Scan
Please note: FAQ'S
3. Digital Touch Up
Once the system has analyzed the shape of all visible details, we will take your digital likeness and make sure the print turns out as lifelike as possible. It’s at this stage that we make any aesthetic changes. For example, we can change the color, make additions or removals, add branding and even apply Photoshop. Please be aware that any editing may incur a fee. Please speak to one of our representatives about all the possibilities and relevant pricing.
4. Full Color 3D Printing
There are many different 3D printers available on the market. Only the 3D Systems ProJet Series is able to print in full tonal CMYK color. This means it is capable of printing a full spectrum of color for the most detailed and realistic results. Other slightly less sophisticated printers on the market may only print in one solid color at a time.
Our full color printer works almost exactly like a 2D Inkjet printer. Instead of printing on sheets of paper, the color and glue are printed on sheets of powder. These thousands of powder layers build up. We then extract the solid models from within the loose powder. After cleaning and finishing with a glue, your 3D selfie statue is ready!
5. Delivery
You can either pick it up in store, free of charge or we can safely ship anywhere in the US or Internationally!