Communication is part of human nature. It’s how we interact, how we share, how we document our human experience.
And, in the 21st century, communication has never been more vital, or immediate.
The internet provides every person with a voice, the ability to write down their thoughts and reactions in real-time to events as they unfold. It is the new bellwether of success or failure, particularly for technological advancement.
Ultimate 3D Printing Store loves hearing what our customers have to say, and re-sharing those thoughts and opinions across the world-wide-web.
Through our website, we offer a variety of resources to help connect members of the 3D printing community, regardless of where they live:
Blog– We host a variety of written blogs by and for the people who love and use 3D printing on a daily basis. Whether it’s a review of a new machine or the results of an experiment with a new printable material, your voices help educate and inform the curious and the skeptical who have yet to join the 3D printing revolution. We are constantly seeking to expand our Blog by adding new bloggers to contribute original content. Please contact us to find out more, and to learn what you can receive in return from us for your work.
Case Studies – Every day, someone somewhere is using 3D printing to smash perceptions and exceed expectations. Whether it’s a start-up company testing a prototype for a mobile cardiac monitoring device that can be used in rural and remote areas of other countries, or advancements by major companies like Black & Decker to utilize 3D printing in-house to rapid prototype in an effort to develop new products. Reading these Case Studies can truly open your mind to the limitless possibilities that this technology holds.
News -This section is where you can find the most up-to-date announcements from Ultimate 3D Printing Store.
Events-This section is where you can find the most up-to-date coming soon events from Ultimate 3D Printing Store.
Media Kit - Ultimate 3D Printing Store high res logo.