Funmat Pro 610 HT - Intamsys
Funmat Pro 610 HT
Full-Size High Performance Functional Materials 3D Printer
The FUNMAT PRO 610 HT is the latest addition to the INTAMSYS 3D printers FUNMAT serie. It is an industrial high-end machine designed for critical requirement functional part test & low volume production. The high build volume of 610 x 508 x 508mm enables you to print big size parts.
The 3D printer’s extremely high temperature thermal system includes a 300°C constant temperature chamber, a 300°C heated build plate, and a 500°C extruder with all-metal hotend.
Using its dual nozzles, the FUNMAT PRO 610 HT is ideal for printing full-size high performance functional materials such as PEEK, ULTEM (PEI), PPSU & more.

Funmat Pro 610 HT
The Synergy of High Build Volume and Very High Temperature Thermal Design
Extremely high temperature for printing big size functional matrerials such as peek, ULTEM (PEI) & PPSU without warpage & delamination