A device dedicated to sieve used powder for your Sinterit Lisa 3D Printer. After cleaning, the material is ready to be mixed with FRESH powder and re-used in the next print.
It automatically sieves the powder retrieved after the printing, filtering out clumps and other contaminants. This is in order to achieve the highest yield from the materials used in the production process.
Type |
Automatic |
Working time |
18 min |
Dimensions |
600 x 340 x 330mm | 23,6 x 13,4 x 13in |
Weight |
22,5kg | 48,5lbs |
Maximum capacity |
5L |
Maximum power consumption |
24W |
Ultimate 3D Printing Store's Sinterit Sales Region
The Ultimate 3D Printing Store can only sell Sinterit products within the following US States:
- Alabama
- Florida
- Georgia
- South Carolina

If you are not within this region, please reach out to Sinterit directly at contact@sinterit.com, or use Sinterit's contact form.