Protopasta Mermaid's Tale Metallic Teal PETG (75% recycled) - 1.75mm (1kg)
Metallic Teal PETG Filament
Protopasta's Mermaid's Tale Metallic Teal PETG filament offers a unique shimmering teal color along with strength, durability, and easy printing for all your 3D printing projects.
- quality ingredients plus in-house processing for curated chemistry
- up to 75% recycled content refreshed with new PETG
- minimal packaging with recyclable cardboard spools
- processing from 210+ C @ 2 cu mm/s volume rate, 70+ C bed
- prints like new PETG with larger, more forgiving process window
- less rigid than PLA and HTPLA for more flex before break
- more heat resistance than PLA, but less than heat treated HTPLA