MakerBot Sketch - Classroom Bundle
Classroom 3D Printing Made Easy
With the MakerBot SKETCH platform we want you to get the 3D printing solution that’s going to work for your classroom - whether looking to start printing for the first time or to increase production, the MakerBot Sketch will get the job done.

Making 3D Printing Possible for Every Student
Fast, reliable, easy-to-use printers designed with print quality and safety in mind.

Resources Every Step of the Way
Join the only 3D printer platform that has been helping educators pioneer 3D printing in the classroom for over 10 years.

From Digital Model to 3D Print
Tap into a 3D printing software with built in features that make 3D printing in the classroom easier than ever before.
3D Printing Training & Design Thinking Courses
2 x Teacher Seat in Printer Training Course & Curriculum Creation Course
10 x Student Seats in Printer Training Course & Design Thinking Courses
Free Classroom 3D Printing Management
FREE, Cloud-based, printer preparation software
Features to Keep 3D Printing Easy and Worry-Free
Flexible Build Plates
Heated Build Stage
Enclosed Print Chamber & Air Filter
Onboard Camera
Spatula & Snippers
Enough Printing for Every Student
6 Spools of Easy to Print, PLA Filament
Printer features that keep 3D printing easy and worry-free.
Enclosed Printer with Particulate Filter
Place your printer anywhere in the classroom without worrying about curious hands and print with peace of mind with a particulate filter preinstalled in each printer.
Cloud-Based 3D Printer Software
No installation required and the software is always up to date - that means you can access the software the moment your printer arrives.
Heated and Flexible Buildplate
Heated build plate for secure, successful printing and a flexible surface to make removing finished prints a breeze.
Access 600+ Lesson Plans Across All Grade Levels & Subjects
Lower the curriculum planning barrier with over 600 lesson plans made by educators all across the country.
Touch Screen Controls and On-Board Camera
Start, monitor and pause students’ prints with an intuitive interface combined with an onboard camera to make monitoring prints possible from anywhere.
ISTE-Certified 3D Printer Training for Both Teachers and Students
Lower the curriculum planning barrier with over 600 3D printing-integrated lesson plans made by educators from all across the country.
Join the only 3D printer platform that has been helping educators pioneer 3D printing in the classroom for over 10 years.
Tap into a 3D printing software with built in features that make 3D printing in the classroom easier than ever before.
Double Your Printing Capacity
Avoid getting stuck in the 3D printing bottleneck and print more in half the time.
3D Printer Training & Design Thinking Courses
Self-paced, interactive training that will prepare your students for 3D priniting and career-building skills that go beyond the classroom.
Enough Printing for a Whole Semester
Get your time back in the classroom and print across multiple printers simultaneously
Technical Specs
Print Technology
Fused Deposition Modeling
Build Volume
150mm x 150mm x 150mm
[5.9in x 5.9in x 5.9in]
Layer Resolution
100-400 microns [0.0039 IN-0.0157 IN]
Print mode tuned for 200 microns
Material Diameter
1.75 mm [0.069 in]
Material Compatibility
MakerBot Sketch PLA Material
MakerBot Sketch Tough Material
Etruder Compatibility
MakerBot Sketch Extruder
Nozzle Diameter
0.4 MM [0.015 IN]
Print File Type
Ambient Operating Temperature
15-30°C [59-86°F]
Storage Temperature
0-55°C [32-131°F]
Product Dimensions
433.4mm (H) x 423.1mm (W) x 365.0mm (D)
[17in (H) x 16.6in (W) x 14.4 (D)]
Shipping Box
549mm (H) x 517mm (W) x 46mm (D)
[21.625in (H) x 20.375in (W) X 18.25in (D)]
Product Weight
11.8 kg [26 lb]
Shipping Weight
17kg [37.5 lb]
Build Surface
Grip Surface
Build Plate Leveling
Heated with removable flexible build surface
Fully enclosed
Particulate Filter
IEC/ EN/ UL60950-1, IEC/ EN/UL 62368-1
Software Bundle
MakerBot CloudPrint
Supported File Types
MakerBot (.makerbot)
STL (.stl)
SolidWorks (.sldprt, .sldasm)
InventorOBJ (.ipt, .iam)
IGES (.iges, .igs)
STEP AP203/214 (.step, .stp)
CATIA (.CATPart, .CATProduct)
Wavefront Object (.obj)
Unigraphics/NX (.prt)
Solid Edge (.par, .asm)
ProE/Creo (.prt, .prt., .asm, .asm)
Operating Systems
Windows (7, 10)
Mac OS X (10.12+)
NOTE: Does not support Mac Catalina
CAD Plugins
SolidWorks, Autodesk Fusion 360,
Onshape, Autodesk Inventor
Power Requirements
100-240 V, 50-60 HZ
USB, Ethernet, Wifi
Camera Resolution
2 megapixels