xTool D1 Air Assist Set

$ 159.00 $ 89.00

$ 89.00

Why xTool D1 Air Assist Set?

Blowing away hot smoke when cutting materials, reduce the temperature, and cut more clean and smooth.

protect laser lens

Proect the laser lens

The xTool air assist device blows away acceptable debris and smoke generated by the laser head operation, protecting the laser head lens from contamination and extending the life of the laser head.

cleaner surface

Guaranteed clean surface

It uses air to quickly reduce the temperature of the cut material surface, preventing distortion and discoloration due to high temperatures, ensuring smooth lines,complete patterns, and clean material surfaces.

steady power output

Steady output power of 30L/min

Large and stable wind, with a steady output power of 30L/min, effectively removes smoke and ensures laser energy stability.

quieter environment

Low working noise

The noise of the air-assist unit when working is 40 decibels, which is lower than the working sound of the fan. The air assist unit can provide you with a quiet laser engraving environment.

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Parts List

included parts


Due to batch reasons, the air pump is randomly shipped in two appearances, but the function, performance, and price are the same.

air assit pump 1
air assist pump 2


Compatible with xTool D1 5W/ 10W & xTool D1 Pro
Power supply voltage 110V/220V
Air output 30L/min
Rated power 17W

Click to watch the video on how to install the air assist set for xTool D1.

Manufacturer Part Number: KA020167000

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